Student Minister Update: Samuel Ogg

Samuel is a student minister at Mount Druitt, and offers some reflections on his year of ministry there.
“Throughout my year of student ministry at Mount Druitt, I have had the joy and privilege of seeing 2 men come to faith and be baptised. Seeing these men come to church with a real need for comfort and hope and seeing them find that through meeting Jesus in his word and being transformed to accept him as Lord and saviour has been a highlight of my year. I learnt so much by talking to these men and listening to Mark’s gospel in a small group setting.
I have been challenged to grow in proclaiming God’s word through preaching at church. The challenge of speaking to the hearts of God’s people through his word has grown me in my understanding and handling of the Bible as I seek to communicate God’s transforming truth.
I have seen a great example from the ministers at Mount Druitt of what it looks like to put the gospel of Christ front and centre each week, and I’m looking forward to continuing to do likewise in 2023.”