Recommended Resources

Books to help you share your story and the Gospel and make connections to outsiders
- Telling the Gospel through Storytelling by Christine Dillon - this can also be used alongside the training videos
- Making Faith Magnetic by Dan Strange
- Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt
- Know and Tell the Gospel: Help for the Reluctant Evangelist by John Chapman
- Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman
Bible Studies
Bible studies to do with your interested friend
- Uncovering the Life of Jesus (6 studies in Luke) by Rebecca Manley Pippert
- Discovering the Real Jesus (7 studies in John)
- The Word One to One - Studies in John’s gospel that are divided into chapters so each study deals with progressive chapters of John’s gospel
Church Training
How to train your church in evangelism
- Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice
- Stay Salty (book) and Empower (DVD set) by Rebecca Manley Pippert
- Just Start Talking (DVD and workbooks or digital videos and e-books) by Evangelism and New Churches
- Specifically for Roman Catholic friends: Talking with Catholics about Jesus by Mark Gilbert, Simon Cowell and Chris Overhall
Good courses to invite your unbelieving friends to
- Taste and See
- Christianity Explored and Life Explored are both offered in 34 different languages (subtitles) and direct translations. Also available in simple English (universal version)
- 3,2,1 Course by Glen Scrivener
Tract & Booklets
Great tracts and small books to give away that explain the Gospel
- The Godforsaken God (downloadable PDF tract)
- Not Just Another Christmas by Dave Gobbett (tract)
- Is Christmas Believable? by Rebecca McLauchlin (60 page booklet)
- What Is a Christian? by Dave Jensen (short booklet) 'God made it, We broke it, God fixed it'
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ by Paul Washer (28 page booklet) Explains the meaning of the gospel for a new Christian or someone investigating what being a Christian will mean for them
- 7 reasons to (Re)consider Christianity by Ben Shaw (slightly longer book, but very easy to read)