Renew Filipino Church
Reaching 2nd generation Filipinos with the gospel, and prayerfully considering how to plant a new Filipino congregation in St Clements Lalor Park in February 2025.
Paolo has been training for ministry at The Well Training. He has been serving at St Clements Lalor Park on Wednesdays and Sundays and currently looks after their 1pm service.
The Lord has given Paolo a heart to reach 2nd generation Filipinos with the gospel, and so he is prayerfully considering how to plant a new Filipino congregation in St Clements Lalor Park in February 2025.
The aim of this proposed new Filipino congregation would be to obey Jesus’ command and bring the good news of salvation to Filipinos and that they might join in the eternal vision in Revelation 5 of people from every tribe and language and people and nation worshipping the Lamb together.
Filipinos are in a unique position in that they are very familiar with Christian concepts and Christian thinking so evangelism to this people group will be to show them their need of salvation despite their ignorance of such a reality for their lives.
Some of the ways we seek to do this might be:
- Discipleship in Community
- Serving the broader Community
- Relational Outreach
- Meeting over Food
- Transforming our shared narratives with the gospel.
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in the Filipino community, here are three ways you can get involved:
Please pray for those joining to grow in their love for the Filipino Community and serve them with the gospel.
Pray the Renew Church can keep the gospel at the centre of all they do.
Pray that eyes will be opened and hearts transformed by the Lord.
Pray for Paolo to watch his life and doctrine closely.
Pray that Renew might serve the marginalised in the Filipino Community well and show them the renewal Jesus offers in the Kingdom of God.
If you would like to join Paolo as he starts up this new congregation in 2025, please get in touch with him.
You might want to prayerfully consider joining in this kingdom ministry through financial partnership. Here is the link to donate.
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