Some Encouragements from Warilla North

John Delezio, church planter at Warilla North, outlines some options for how he could try to grow the church in this suburb, and some prayer points for this new initiative.

“There are a number of possible options when it comes to meeting people from the community who I one day hope to invite to hear the Good News about Jesus.
Option 1) Stand on the corner with a sandwich board telling people the ‘End is Nigh’ (not really my thing).
Option 2) Door knock each and every house in the community (love this but slow going especially when you don’t have any history or trust with the people living in the community).
Option 3) Pray that God opens the door to key Christian leaders in the community who through their personal networks, have an extensive list of people in mind that they want to invite to hear the Gospel.

Over the last few weeks in particular, it is becoming clearer that God is working hard to make sure doors are opening with key Christian leaders in the community. This week alone I was introduced to 2 Christian leaders who live and serve the community and who are keen to see a gospel-focused Church grow in Warilla North.”

  • Thank God for the way he has softened the hearts of these Christian community leaders. Praise him that they have been generous and welcoming.
  • Pray that these friendships with the community leaders would continue to grow and that I might find wise ways to serve them, modelling Christs love.
  • Pray for the 2 men John is planning to ask to read the Bible 1:1 with in Warilla. Pray that they might say yes and that as they read the Bible together, the men might repent and make Jesus their Lord and Saviour.