Nepali Ministry
A vision to see more Nepali people in Sydney enjoying fellowship with God and each other by establishing a new Nepali speaking ministry.
The Nepali population in Sydney is growing rapidly. Many Nepalis live in the St George area. Anglican churches in the area have contact with Nepalis in the community, but know that to reach them with the gospel a Nepali language ministry is needed.
The vision of this ministry is to see the Nepali community in Sydney enjoying fellowship with God and each other. We will seek to do this by establishing a new Nepali speaking ministry in the St George area, in collaboration with other existing Nepali churches and local Anglican churches.

Source: Shutterstock
Bijaya is a Nepali Christian who came to know Jesus from a Hindu background as a university student in 2000.
Having spent many years in Nepal serving churches in various ways, he and his family came to Australia in 2020 for Bijaya to study at the Sydney Missionary and Bible College. After going through theological training and seeing both the need for sound biblical teaching and the opportunity to reach out to the Nepali community in Sydney, he and his wife Kate felt convicted to use their gifts and experience to serve the Nepali community in Sydney.
He is excited to partner with churches in Sydney to see the gospel go out amongst the Nepali community.

You can be part of the work God is doing amongst migrants from Nepal in Sydney as a partner with this ministry. Your financial and prayer support will enable Bijaya to do this ministry full time. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!
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