Building a lasting foundation for a changing world
A leading Australian evangelist for more than 50 years, John Chapman was best known for his relentless passion for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A leading Australian evangelist for more than 50 years, John Chapman was best known for his relentless passion for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Affectionately known as ‘Chappo’, his preaching, teaching and writing ministry saw him speaking to groups throughout the Sydney Diocese, in Australia and overseas, particularly in London, where he was a regular visitor.
He spoke and preached at Oxford and Cambridge Universities and also played a major role in Billy Graham crusades. In later years, he passed on his wisdom on evangelism and preaching to generations of ministry trainees and college students. He was also prominent in evangelism in universities, particularly during the 1970's and 80's. His books, including "A Fresh Start" and "Know and Tell the Gospel" have sold in the tens of thousands and continues to be great resources for personal evangelism and sharing the gospel.
Beginning his career as a school teacher, John later pursued theological training and spent over 25 years as Director of the Anglican Department of Evangelism in Sydney (now known as Evangelism and New Churches). The ministry expanded under his leadership from the 1970s to the 1990s and now has a far-reaching impact throughout Sydney and Australia.
About the Foundation
In a world that is in desperate need of our Saviour, the John Chapman Foundation has been formed to be a funding arm of Evangelism and New Churches (ENC) to ensure a strong foundation for evangelism in a changing world. ENC is an Anglican ministry first formed through the Department of Evangelism in 1914, where John Chapman served as Director for more than 25 years. The Foundation is accountable to Trustees, who include experienced lay people and clergy of the Sydney Anglican Diocese, with the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney as President.
“ John Chapman has served the cause admirably for many decades. His ministry has been instrumental in the salvation of many thousands of people, and in the shaping of an entire generation of preachers.
"The John Chapman Foundation honours John by funding the vital work of evangelism, the training of evangelists, and the planting of new churches and fellowships across Sydney. I cannot think of a more crucial and important ministry at this time, as we seek to reach a nation with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I commend it to your prayers, and I urge you to generously invest in and support the work of the Foundation.”
- Peter Jensen, former Archbishop of Sydney
Help ensure the advancement of the gospel by powerfully supporting the John Chapman Foundation. You will play a vital role in training the next generation of new evangelists and reaching many with the Good News through the ministry of Evangelism and New Churches, (formerly known as Department of Evangelism) where John Chapman served as Director for more than 25 years.
Make an investment in spreading the eternal and saving truth of the gospel far into the future.
Legacy Gifts / Bequests
You Can Leave a Lasting Impact
Leaving a legacy in your will is one of the easiest ways to have a lasting impact on future generations – and it will cost you nothing today. There are many ways to leave a legacy, but perhaps the simplest and most valuable is to leave a residual legacy. This means that whatever amount remains in your estate after all your other wishes are carried out will come to the John Chapman Foundation.
Below is a summary of the different kinds of legacy gifts you can leave in your will today.
- A residual legacy or the ‘residue’ or remainder of your estate once the needs of your family and others have been considered
- A percentage of your estate
- A specific amount of money
- A life insurance or superannuation policy
- Assets such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery, etc.
- An investment in perpetuity
Because leaving a legacy is such an important decision, we want to be sure to answer every question you may have – contact our office for further details.
If you would like to register with our office in making your bequest, please contact the Director of the John Chapman Foundation.
The wording for a bequest for the John Chapman Foundation is as follows:
I give *either the sum of …………………. (words or figures), or …………………………….. (words or figures) percentage of my estate, to the John Chapman Foundation for the general purposes (or specific purpose) of the Foundation, and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer of the Foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to the executor.
*if the gift is of shares or real property or art work then sufficient words to identify same should be substituted.
Beneficiary – John Chapman Foundation (ABN 13 971 284 724)
Will Clause – “I give [details of bequest i.e. percentage of estate, amount of legacy or specific items of personal and/or real property]to the John Chapman Foundation (ABN 13 971 284 724) to be used at the absolute discretion of the Foundation for its evangelistic purposes”.