Dave Jensen
Dave Jensen has joined the ENC team in 2024 as the Assistant Director, with a specific focus on the ‘E’ of ENC: Evangelism. His aim is to assist churches within the Diocese in their endeavours to see lost people find life and hope in Jesus.
Dave Jensen will be joining the ENC team in 2024 as the Assistant Director, with a specific focus on the ‘E’ of ENC: Evangelism. His aim is to assist churches within the Diocese in their endeavours to see lost people find life and hope in Jesus. This can often feel like hard soil, but there are also enormous gospel opportunities within our family of churches.
Over the past decade Dave has had the opportunity to work in a variety of church and ministry contexts, both local and overseas, often with mission as a focus point.
In his role at ENC, Dave is looking forward to partnering together with churches across Sydney in three main areas:
For many of us, evangelism is often a terrifying prospect, filled with memories of discouraging or failed attempts in the past. Combine this with a rising cynicism and hostility towards evangelical Christianity in our culture, and we can find it unsurprising that when surveyed, most evangelicals believe that whilst evangelism is something they should do, for the overwhelming majority of people it’s something that they don’t do. This is obviously a problem as the majority of people who become Christians as adults do so as the result of the evangelistic efforts of someone that they know.

To counter this, Dave is persuaded that churches need to develop a culture of evangelism which starts from the pulpit, and then permeates into every facet of church life. Developing cultural change is always challenging, and never quick: a culture of evangelism happens through a combination of deepening conviction, building confidence, and increasing competence, then pressing repeat.
His work will focus on encouraging and equipping church leaders and members in thinking through cultural change, in order to continue to grow in their ability at being effective tools in God’s great mission of salvation.