Berkeley Life Centre
Reaching the people of Berkeley to see lives changed for Jesus.
Reaching the people of Berkeley to see lives changed for Jesus.
Berkeley Life Centre’s genesis was in the one-to-one visiting of Adopt-a-Block. Some of the original blocks are still being visited by team members regularly now and over the years we have expanded to include new streets, which are visited by members of the church who came to know Jesus through being visited. We’ve noticed that there are a number of people in our community who we visit who have stepped into our building or attended a program but still consider Wayne their pastor. We consider Adopt-a-Block to continue be a crucial part of our ministry in reaching out to people and developing relationships. We hope to train more people up to take on their own blocks in the future.
We also run an op shop in Berkeley which is a great place to meet and listen to people in the community.

Support Us
We are desperately under-staffed and resourced to meet the needs of the people of Berkeley who are trying to change their lives for Jesus Christ. Needs that take time, commitment and investment, different to the needs of other churches.
In some ways it is sad that this ministry depends on others outside of BLC to support us, but we also truly find it a great honour to partner with Christians who support us with their wallets, their prayers and their love for the lost. In a time with emphasis on cross cultural ministry, we must not neglect our own backyard and the welfare class of Australia. The forgotten of Australia.